One Day : Adriana Jaros - Artist


Location : London, UK
Profession / passion : Artist / Designer / Colourist
Website :
Instagram :

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.

A text, song or film that everyone should experience. 
A Text: “Every new idea carries with it a charge of anxiety, because even if it is a very good idea, it will carry with it a suggestion of something you need to change in your life” Alain De Botton. A film: “Call me by your name” A song: “Dawn Chorus” by Thom Yorke - Anima

What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
I think I am on the curious search for more depth in how we experience moments, spaces by engaging with the elements in the environment. The colours, materials, shapes, mediums, time and of course other humans.

How do you want people to react to your work / passion?
I wish to bring a smile, a thought, a reflection with my work. I do this because it’s an urge for me. I would love to create the environment for more togetherness, more conversations, more connection, more collaboration. I also think perhaps the message should be defined by whoever comes in contact with the work.

How has the current situation affected how you work?
It has really changed the way I see and appreciate my work and that of my peers. I have turned my attention to what I really value, not only in my practice but in life and how these two can really collaborate to create a more balanced and less anxious creative life. It has made me reflect on what could be the future of practices like mine. It has made me crave for all things local and small, and rooted and above all, real.

We have learned to glorify the busy life and I have always felt so anxious and trapped by it. I tend to be very productive, over productive at times. With the current situation I have been slowing down all processes and putting more focus on translating the real meaning of what I do and why. I have been trying to narrow my attention and define the different things I would really love to do more of with who, for what? Thinking a lot about purpose. I have been focusing much more on the pleasure of processes, ideas and thoughts rather than having a final target or defined expectation.

What is the most inspiring text you read recently?
I have been finding it really hard to concentrate on reading much which is frustrating because I do love reading. Slowly but surely though I am reading “Writings and Conversations by Barba Hepworth” published by the Tate and there are some real golden nuggets and insides on the way a truly sensible artist works and thinks about materials, aesthetics and purpose and how these relate to the human condition.

Define what beauty means to you.
Beauty for me is honesty. However this is translated or reflected. Either through art, a book, a conversation, a dance. And I must clarify, not rudeness but just kindness and honesty; it's so pure when you can be yourself with others and with yourself. I think so much beauty can be found and based on honesty.

Function or form?
Caveman painted on the walls and also created hunting tools... I would say both and in good balance.

Analog or digital?
If you are honest to an idea, the medium is not always the message. Whatever serves the purpose of the idea, I think. Used with consciousness and awareness I think that is what's important.

Describe a smell that brings back memories to you.
Ahh I love this question. There is so much memory on smells, it can really transport you.
I smell everything! Every meal before I eat it, when entering a room I instantly take a “smell picture” and store it in my memory, when walking in a park. . .
I love the smell of my grandma's cooking, the smell of rain hitting the pavement it's such a singular and special smell - it actually has a name: Petrichor, my husband's beard (weird? I love it!)
I find smell magical, like music has this power of transporting you to a very specific moment in time and the way you felt.

What traits do you treasure in other people?
Honesty, kindness and passion for what they do


What was the most defining moment in your life?
Letting go of my stable job in the hope of creating a practice where I could share, collaborate, connect and create moments/spaces to experience without limitation of just one specific practical area

Quality or quantity?
This is a difficult one. I would like to say quality but I also think that in order to get to quality you have to go through quantity. By doing that which you love so every day you become a master of your craft or of that which you love doing... It takes years to really understand what you are doing when you are finding yourself in the midst of it. If you persevere and keep at it I think then you get to quality over quantity

Who do you miss?
I miss people. Human contact, mundane conversations that are not about the virus and not in front of a flat digital surface. . .

When was the last time you learned something new and what was it?
During this isolation I have started getting more into little imposible architecture maquette structure making. I did a little one for a collab last year and an architect friend taught me. I have been aching to do more of them since. I have been making them as a way of bringing some of my 2d drawings, sketches and ideas to a 3d life. It's been fun!

Have you actively chosen to live in the city/town you live in?
Yep! I am grateful for London, what an incredible city this is! London represents freedom to me.

How do you relax?
I have been practicing yoga for years now and it has helped me so much with my mental health and journey. I also love reading. It has proven to be soo difficult during the quarantine though. My concentration span is very low. But I’ll keep trying. Reading is such an amazing alternative for traveling in time and space, and to learn.

What does freedom mean to you?
Nature, time, creative freedom.

Do you have any regrets in life?
Many, but I actively work daily on focusing to be grateful instead.

Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment?
Calm comes from within, in my opinion.

Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives?
I hope this time has brought with it time for reflection, for compassion, for changing bad habits and engaging in new better ones. For eating more healthy, being more present, engaging with our environment. I hope we do not forget the time we got given to explore, to chat, to learn and to pause. I hope we itch to connect more, to engage in real and honest conversations about our worlds, ourselves and what excites us, what moves us. I hope it can take us out of the autopilot and into a new reality perhaps slower lives and longer walks. More nurture, more love, more inner calm. I am also very aware and truly sorry for all the people who lost their loved ones to this pandemia and for everyone who was affected by it which is even more of a reason to wake up into how we move forward from now on.